What's for dinner?
Please check the Meeting Schedule section for future meal selection. When you arrive at the clubhouse, please sign-in and pay your $7.00 for your meal. This is the ONLY record of your meeting attendance.
"Policing" Your Brass?
Please be responsible for your own brass.There are a number of # 10 tin cans located in the brass box at the entrance to the range. Take one with you when you go to the firing line. When you are done collect the brass in the can and put it in the brass box. This practice ensures you leave the range AT LEAST AS clean as when you found it. Uncollected brass and LIVE ROUNDS are being found on a regular basis and endanger those who cut and maintain the grounds.
Should I leave my targets on the backers for others to use?
DO NOT Pile them on the ground next to the range gate. Unused targets may be left in the Target Bldg.
What should I do when the backer are shot to the point of being unusable?
Remove the backer and pieces and place them in the Dumpster next to the tractor shed.